The construction of the new Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Thermal Power Plant, with an 800 MW unit capacity, in Yamunanagar, Haryana, is scheduled to be completed in 57 months. Chief Minister Manohar Lal has awarded a tender worth Rs 6900 crore to Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) for the construction. The CM approved this in the meeting of the High Power Workers Purchase Committee (HPGCL), where State Electricity Minister Ranjit Singh was also present.

The plant will feature an ultra supercritical unit, in contrast to the subcritical units currently in place. With an 8 percent increase in capacity over the previous unit, this new installation will lead to reduced coal consumption and cheaper electricity. This project aims to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the citizens of Haryana, with provisions made for installing pollution control equipment.

The new 800 MW unit, to be integrated into the Deenbandhu Sir Chhotu Ram Thermal Plant, aligns with the ‘Make in India’ initiative, with all components being indigenous. Unlike the current 300 MW units which utilize machinery from China, this new unit will employ modern indigenous technology. It will be the state’s first entirely indigenous and modern plant. In addition to featuring new technology, the 800 MW unit will boast several advancements. Notably, its chimneys and cooling towers will be smaller, resulting in faster electricity generation and reduced pollution. A separate 400 KV line will be laid for this purpose, generating employment opportunities for numerous youths.

It’s worth mentioning that the Central Government recently granted permission to establish this 800 MW plant in Yamunanagar instead of Jharkhand. Consequently, the district will produce 1400 MW of electricity with the construction of the new plant.