In the Chandigarh mayoral election, 20 votes were cast in favor of the AAP-Congress alliance, out of which 8 were declared invalid through fraudulent means. However, amidst all this, the good news is that the BJP, while stealing votes, has been caught,’’ Now, even if the blame for the theft is placed on Anil Masih, the fact of this theft by the BJP has become apparent, says senior Aam Aadmi Party leader Prem Garg.
Prem Garg said that the limit was crossed when despite everyone in the BJP stealing, all the leaders of the BJP were seen joining the theft. No one was ready to believe that they had stolen, and now these people will blame Masih. Today’s historic decision by the Supreme Court sends a message of truth and democracy throughout the country. This paves the way for the victory of the Aam Aadmi Party in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Now it should happen that the administration considers the 8 votes declared invalid as valid and declares Kuldeep Kumar as the mayor. The election for the Senior Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor should be conducted under the chairmanship of Kuldeep Kumar. We hope that the honorable Supreme Court will soon make a decision on this and legal action will be taken against Anil Masih.