The head of the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), Swati Maliwal, announced on Thursday that she would issue a notice to Jama Masjid for “stopping the entry of women” despite the mosque’s management’s claim that only visitors who were disrespectful of the mosque’s sanctity by dressing inappropriately were being turned away.

“The decision to stop the entry of women into Jama Masjid is absolutely wrong. As much as a man has the right to worship, so does a woman. I am issuing notice to the Imam of Jama Masjid. No one has the right to stop the entry of women like this,” Maliwal tweeted.

Ansar-ul-Haq, the mosque’s assistant public relations officer, said some women shot music and dance videos inside the 17th century mosque, disrespecting the masjid’s sanctity. “Entry is allowed for others who visit with family members for an outing or picnic. Even if a student or any other woman wants to visit, they are allowed to visit if they are respectful of the surroundings.”

Mosque officials said a plaque on the premises saying “women are not permitted inside the mosque alone” is for visitors who are dressed inappropriately and do not respect the sanctity of the place of worship.