West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday took on Prime Minister Narendra Modi for “spreading lies and canards” against the Trinamool Congress government, and said that voters in the state would witness ‘Didi versus BJP’ fight in all 294 constituencies of the poll-bound state. She also took a pot shot at the PM over the inclusion of his photo in Covid-19 vaccination certificates, the Bengal CM added, “The day is not far when the country will be named after Narendra Modi.”
Addressing a rally in Kolkata, Mamata said that Amit Shah and PM Modi are “two syndicate ministers who come to Bengal and lie.” She said, “Amit Shah and Narendra Modi are two syndicate ministers who come to Bengal and lie. I respect the chair of a Prime Minister but it is surprising to see a Prime Minister lie.”
Rebutting PM Modi’s claim at Kolkata’s Brigade Parade ground that women feel unsafe in the state, Mamata asked, “They say that women of Bengal are unsafe but if Bengal was unsafe, how can women roam around at 12 am or even 4 am and work?”
Citing media reports, Mamata further targeted the BJP government in Gujarat, saying Modi and Shah’s ‘model state’ has witnessed four rapes and two killings every day in the last two years.
She continued, “They (BJP leaders) will come to Bengal only during elections and spread canards and lies. He is lecturing us on women’s safety. What is the situation of women in BJP-ruled states? What is the situation in Modi’s favourite Gujarat?”
“The Prime Minister has named a stadium after him. He has put his photographs on Covid-19 vaccination certificates. A day will come when the country will be named after him,” Mamata stated on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
West Bengal is going to polls in eight phases starting 27 March and ending on 29 April. The results of the Assembly elections will be declared on 1 May.
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