The district Superintendent of Police, S Selvakumar has been transferred with immediate effect following the violence erupted in Tamil Nadu’s Kallakurichi. After the death of a class 12 student violence broke out on Sunday when protesters forcibly entered school premises and vandalized school property, and set ablaze school buses and police vans.

Triplicane Deputy Commissioner of police Pakalavan has been appointed as new Superintendent of police of Kallakurichi. 

Earlier, police registered a case and initiated a probe and later after the violence the matter was transferred to the Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department. The CB-CID has put a notice outside the house of a 17-year-old dead girl, to collect the body of a girl for final rites. 

On Monday, 987 schools in Tamil Nadu remained closed. “All private nursery, matriculation and CBSE schools will remain closed tomorrow in the state to protest against the attack on Kaniyamoor Sakthi Matriculation School in Kallakurichi,” KR Nandhakumar, State President, Tamil Nadu Private School Association said on Monday. 

Meanwhile, in connection with the death of a 17-year-old school girl, the school secretary, principal, school correspondent and two teachers were sent to 15 day-remand.

Reacting to the Kallakurichi incident, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin tweeted, “Violence worries me. The accused will be punished when the police probe over the school girl’s dead ends. I have asked the DGP, Home Secretary, to travel to Kallakurichi. I request people to maintain peace.”

Notably, on July 13, a class 12 girl student was found dead in the hostel of a residential school. Later the school management informed the police and shifted the girl student for post-mortem to the Kallakurichi Medical College and Hospital.