As Chennai grapples with the aftermath of Cyclone Michaung, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has sounded an urgent call for Parliament’s attention. In a notice submitted to the Lok Sabha, Singh emphasized the critical condition of Chennai and the pressing need for immediate and substantial financial support to address the extensive damages.

“Relief operations are underway in Tamil Nadu, but the situation in Chennai remains highly critical. Urgent measures are required for recovery,” the notice read, urging a discussion on damage assessment and a directive to release a minimum of Rs 5100 crore for comprehensive relief efforts.

Chennai, witnessing waterlogging and a flood-like situation, prompted the Defence Minister to assure all possible help from the Central Government. An aerial survey, a one-to-one meeting with the Chief Minister, and a review meeting with officials were part of Singh’s response to the crisis.

Rajnath Singh disclosed that the first instalment of the Central share to the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) amounting to Rs 450 crore has already been released. Prime Minister Modi has further directed the Ministry of Home Affairs to release in advance the Central share of the second instalment of SDRF, providing Rs 493.60 crore to Andhra Pradesh and an additional Rs 450 crore to Tamil Nadu.

Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary Shiv Das Meena highlighted the ongoing restoration efforts, with 9,000 officials from other districts deployed for relief work. Cyclone Michaung, which made landfall earlier this month, has left a trail of destruction, necessitating swift and substantial support for recovery and rebuilding in the affected regions.