Cyberabad police, which had already busted the abusive Chinese money lending apps, has now cracked a fake insurance racket and arrested 11 persons and seized 1,125 fake insurance policies and cash. The cops acted on a complaint filed by Guruvardhan Perla, the area manager of Reliance General Insurance, regarding fake vehicle insurance policies. During investigation, the special operation team, Shamshabad zone, found that a group of people had created fake vehicle insurance policies in the name of Reliance General Insurance, Kotak General Insurance, HDFC ERGO General Insurance, IFFCO-TOKIP General Insurance, Chola MS General Insurance, Future General insurance, Shreeram General Insurance, and Royal Sundaram general insurance. They had sold the policies to needy people who went for discounts.
The Cyberabad police arrested G. Ramesh and G. Govardhan, pollution vehicle owners, insurance agent T. Sairam, G. Ramesh, G. Raju, A. Praveen, G. Sudheer Kumar, G. Krishna, M. Shankar, Jeethender Kushwa, and Ravi Kadigalla. They were booked under various sections of the IPC. The accused persons used to operate pollution testing vehicles on highways and near RTO offices. Whenever a vehicle came for pollution testing, they would inquire with the vehicle owners about insurance policies. If they did not have one, the accused persons would convince them to buy vehicle insurance. They would then issue the insurance bond.They also targeted people at RTO offices where they had ties with some RTO agents.
Cyberabad police commissioner V.C. Sajjanar said: “Insurance policy bond can be obtained after a minimum period of 12 hours. If anyone gives it instantly, please check with the insurance company, as it will be fake.”
The police also said that insurance policies are delivered by post only and that pollution control vehicles have no authorisation to issue insurance policies. Cops added that the same gang was also involved in a similar fraud in Karnataka.
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