English actor Benedict Cumberbatch will reprise his role of the sorcerer superhero Doctor Strange in the third part of the revived SpiderMan franchise. Tom Holland returns as Spider-Man in the film. Cumberbatch’s casting marks the third major crossover between the films produced by Disney’s Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures’ ‘SpiderMan’ movies.

 The move puts Cumberbatch in the role of Peter Parker/Spider-Man’s mentor, which was previously carried out by Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’, reports hollywoodreporter.com. The new ‘Spider-Man’ film is due to begin shooting in Atlanta later this month. It is unclear when and where Cumberbatch will shoot his scenes. With Jon Watts returning to direct the third part, the film brings back Zendaya as Mary Jane Watson, Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, and Jacob Batalon as Peter Parker’s friend Ned. Cumberbatch is expected to start shooting for ‘Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness’ in London soon. The third ‘Spider-Man’ film is scheduled for a theatre release on 17 December 2021, and ‘Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness’ on 25 March 2022.