A brazen criminal incident was reported from Kurukshetra in Haryana, where car-borne attackers attempted to run down three victims. The crooks shot at the victims who were attempting to flee the scene after they were unable to crush the targets under the car.

The event took place late on Sunday night close to the government hospital. The suspect drove up in a car and attempted to run down the three victims’ bikes. One of the victims fled into the public hospital and attempted to hide in the women’s restroom.

The goons continued to chase the victim inside the women’s restroom, when they opened fire on him, according to an article. Sandeep, the victim, was shot during the gunfight, and when the gunfire was heard inside the hospital, chaos ensued.

After being alerted, the police squad quickly arrived at the crime scene and examined the victims. It was discovered that the victims were being attacked as they headed home. They admitted to having a fight with the goons at Peepli’s Bhagwan Nagar at some point in the past. Police are looking into a case that may be related to the previously publicised occurrence.