The Anti Narcotics Cell (ANC) of the Mumbai Crime Branch arrested two drug peddlers from the Ghatkopar area and recovered MD drugs worth Rs 30 lakh on Wednesday. The drugs were seized by the Worli unit of ANC.
“Mumbai Crime Branch arrested two drug peddlers and recovered drugs worth Rs 30 lakhs from Ghatkopar area. The police registered a case against both of them under the NDPS Act and presented them in court, where the court sent them to police custody till December 14. Further investigation underway,” Mumbai Crime Branch police said.
According to Mumbai police, the Worli Unit of Anti Narcotics Cell was patrolling near Ghatkopar station, when two persons were seen moving suspiciously. When the police searched both of them, MD drugs were recovered from them.
Its price is Rs 30 lakh in the international market.
The police registered a case against both of them under the NDPS Act and presented them in court. The court sent them to police custody till December 14. The police are conducting an investigation.