The Crime Branch of the Jammu and Kashmir Police has taken a significant step in the pursuit of justice by filing a chargesheet against a suspended government official for his alleged involvement in the embezzlement of Rs 33 lakh. The accused, identified as Aijaz Mir, a former drawing and disbursing officer (DDO) in the geology and mining department, is presently under suspension pending the outcome of the case filed in 2021.
According to a spokesperson of the Crime Branch, the case originated from a complaint filed by a former Drill Operator Grade-2, S L Bhat, who reported that his sanctioned General Provident Fund (GPF) had been released but never reached him. Instead, the funds were found to have been diverted to the account of the accused DDO.
Following the complaint, a high-level enquiry committee was formed by the department, which uncovered a serious financial embezzlement amounting to over Rs 33 lakhs, pertaining to GPF and 7th pay commission arrears of numerous employees. The investigation revealed that both the accused DDO and a cashier were involved in this fraudulent activity.
Upon receipt of the inquiry committee’s report and relevant documents, the matter was forwarded to the Crime Branch, Jammu, for further action under the law. Subsequently, a case was registered against the accused and the cashier under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act for criminal breach of trust, criminal conspiracy, and fraud.
After thorough investigation, the chargesheet has been filed against the accused, indicating that the allegations against him have been substantiated. This development underscores the commitment of the law enforcement agencies to uphold integrity and accountability, ensuring that those responsible for financial malpractice are brought to justice.
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