The Delhi Crime Branch on Tuesday busted a gang involved in manufacturing fake life-saving cancer drugs, informed officers. According to Special Commissioner of Police, Crime Branch, RS Yadav, 2 engineers, a doctor and an MBA have been arrested in this connection. Three more accused persons are absconding and a search is on to nab them at the earliest, he added. “An international fake drug manufacturing racket was busted and 7 persons, including 2 engineers, a doctor and an MBA, were arrested. The accused were involved in manufacturing fake life-saving cancer drugs. A factory in Sonipat, Haryana and a godown in Ghaziabad were busted,” Yadav said.
The police said they recovered fake medicines priced at Rs 8 crore. According to the police, the racket was in operation for the last 3-4 years.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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David Lynch passed away at 78 on January 16.