Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar has become the latest target of deepfake technology, with a manipulated video circulating on social media platforms. The video falsely depicts Mr. Tendulkar endorsing the gaming app “Skyward Aviator Quest” and erroneously claims the financial involvement of his daughter, Sara.
Expressing his dismay over the misuse of technology, the master blaster’ took to social media to address the issue and called for increased vigilance. Tendulkar urged people to report such deceptive videos and emphasized the need for swift action against the proliferation of misinformation.
“These videos are fake. It is disturbing to see rampant misuse of technology. Request everyone to report videos, ads, and apps like these in large numbers,” Tendulkar stated, sharing the digitally altered video on X.
Highlighting the responsibility of social media platforms, Tendulkar stressed the importance of their alertness and responsiveness to user complaints. He underscored that swift action from their end is crucial to halting the spread of misinformation and combating the growing threat of fake news.
Deepfakes, employing artificial intelligence to manipulate visual and audio elements, have emerged as a significant concern, with the potential to damage the reputation of individuals and organizations. Tendulkar’s case adds to a growing list of public figures, including actors Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt, and Priyanka Chopra, who have been victims of deepfake technology. Governments worldwide are grappling with the challenge, working to devise strategies to counteract the malicious use of this evolving technology in the digital realm.
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