On Tuesday, BJP state president CP Joshi inducted Congress officials and workers into the BJP in Chittorgarh. During this, CP Joshi said that people are continuously joining the BJP because they have faith in the BJP and Narendra Modi. He said, “PM Modi has shown by doing what he said.” Criticising the Congress government, he said, “The Congress government in the state has only practised corruption and appeasement politics in the last five years to save the chair. Today, the situation of Congress is that those leaders who gave guarantees in 2018 do not want to come to Rajasthan themselves. They also do not want to see the face of the Chief Minister. People in the Congress party do not trust each other, and they do not have faith in their leader’s guarantee. Putting photos of Rahul Gandhi and Sachin Pilot in the last 10 days of the election shows that everything is not right in Congress.”
BJP state president CP Joshi said, “The state’s Congress government is sheltering corruption and corrupt people. Congress MLAs and ministers, while expressing distrust in the Chief Minister, accused him of leaking papers and corruption.”
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