The police have successfully apprehended three individuals involved in smuggling cows in Pathankot, Punjab. It is reported that the police took significant action in the village of Khani Khui in Pathankot, capturing three suspects involved in the illegal trafficking of beef, along with weapons. It has been discovered that these smugglers used to kill animals and supply their meat in Jammu and Kashmir. Based on confidential information, when the police conducted a raid, they recovered 21 cows and some calves from their possession.

SSP Pathankot providing details about the incident mentioned that the network of these smugglers is not limited to Punjab but has also expanded to other states. They used to smuggle cows in trucks to other states. They received intelligence that cows were being illegally slaughtered in the village and their meat was sold. Following this, the police conducted a raid and recovered a significant number of cows from the site.”