Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, under treatment at the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan (LNJP) Hospital for Covid-19, is being shifted to the Max Hospital in Saket after being diagnosed with dengue on Thursday.
The latest health bulletin from the state-run LNJP Hospital said that Manish Sisodia’s platelet count is falling rapidly owing to dengue. He was admitted to the facility on Wednesday after he complained of fever.
“His Oxygen saturation level and platelets count in the blood is a little low, but overall health is stable,” the official told IANS.
Sisodia first tested positive for Covid-19 on 14 September and made the announcement in a tweet. He also informed the public about his decision to opt for home isolation.
“Had got my Covid-19 test done after I had a mild fever. The report has come positive. I have gone into self isolation. As of now, I have no fever or any other issue. I am fine. By your blessings, I will recover fully and return to work soon,” Sisodia had announced on Twitter after testing positive with Covid-19.
It was on 23 September that he was admitted to LNJP Hospital as a precautionary measure. A senior doctor at LNJP Hospital had said on the morning of 24 September that Sisodia has been in ICU since Wednesday, but his condition is stable. The minister has been put on oxygen support at the dedicated Covid-19 facility in LNJP, the doctor had added. Responding to a question about whether Sisodia had any comorbidites, the doctor had cited ‘hypertension’.
After Delhi’s health minister Satyendra Jain, Sisodia is the second minister in the Delhi cabinet to test positive for Covid-19. Jain had tested positive for the disease in June and later recovered.
In a public address on Thursday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that the national capital has crossed the peak of the second wave of Covid-19. He went on to add that this second wave started around 15 August and Delhi saw a significant spike in new cases of infection until 16 September.
With agency inputs