India’s daily Covid-19 cases rose by 45,674, taking its overall coronavirus tally past 85 lakhs. Coronavirus-related deaths also rose by 559 in the last 24-hour period, taking India’s overall Covid-19 fatality numbers—among the lowest in the world per million—to 1,26,121. However, active cases further dropped to 5,12,665 after a decrease of 3,967 in the last 24 hours. 49,082 people also fought off the disease successfully in the same period, taking total cured cases to 78.7 lakh.

The worst-affected state, Maharashtra, reported 5,092 new coronavirus-positive cases in the last 24 hours, which pushed its overall infection count to 17,19,858. As the virus claimed 110 more lives, the death toll went up to 45,250. A total of 8,232 patients were discharged during the day though, due to which the recovery count increased to 15,77,322. Maharashtra›s recovery rate is now 91.71 per cent, while the fatality rate is 2.63 per cent. There are 96,372 active cases in the state now.

Madhya Pradesh reported 891 fresh Covid-19 cases, taking the tally to 1,77,359, while 11 fatalities pushed the toll to 3,028. With 688 patients being discharged from hospitals in the last 24 hours, the cumulative count of recoveries rose to 1,66,403.

Gujarat reported 1,020 fresh Covid-19 cases, taking the total count of infections to 1,80,699. With seven more patients succumbing to the viral infection, the cumulative toll climbed to 3,763.

Rajasthan reported a single-day rise of 1,872 Covid-19 cases which took the total tally to 2,11,310, while 10 more fatalities during the same period pushed the death toll to 1,989. Of the cases reported in the state so far, 16,376 are still under treatment. Meanwhile, 1,92,945 people have been discharged after treatment till date. Jammu & Kashmir reported 555 new cases, 213 from Jammu and 342 from Kashmir. The cumulative total of coronavirus cases in the region has now reached 98,892, while active cases stand at 5,678.

Tamil Nadu reported 2,334 new Covid-19 infections, pushing the overall tally to 7.43 lakhs. The recoveries stood at 2,386, taking the total number of people walking out of health care institutions after being cured to 7.13 lakhs till date. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 death toll in the state climbed to 11,344 with 20 more fatalities.

Kerala reported 5,440 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of active cases stands at 81,823 and recovered cases at 4,02,477.

Andhra Pradesh also reported 2,237 new Covid-19 cases while 11 more people succumbed to the virus in the state. With the fresh cases, the state›s Covid tally jumped to 8,42,967, while the death toll climbed to 6,791. The positivity rate stands at 9.73 per cent in the state.