A local court in Panaji on Tuesday extended for two more days the police remand of Sudhir Sangwan, the main accused in the sensational murder of famous TikTok star and BJP leader Sonali Phogat, and his accomplice Sukhwinder Singh. The Goa Police produced Sangwan and Singh before the local court in Mapusa and sought their remand for four more days. However, the court extended the remand for only two days and ordered the police to produce them on 8 September.

Personnel from Anjuna Police Station brought Sangwan and Singh to the court with their faces covered in veil. When The Daily Guardian asked the accused why they murdered Phogat, both the accused did not respond. Their lawyer also refused to speak. But when the accused came out of the court room after they were sent to police remand by the judge, Sangwan said that he was innocent. “I am innocent, I am innocent,” said Sangwan repeatedly.

Phogat, 42, had gone to Goa for a three-day shooting. She was brought dead to St Anthony Hospital at Anjuna in North Goa on 23 August morning from her hotel. The police had initially ruled out any foul play.

In a related development, Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant earlier in the day held a high-level meeting of state officials to review the law and order situation in the state.

According to sources, high-ranking officials like the Attorney General, Chief Secretary, Director General of Police, Secretary, collectors and other senior officials were in attendance in the meeting. Addressing the media after the meeting, Sawant said, “We will not tolerate any lackadaisical approach by officials in handling law and order situation, drug mafia and illegal sand mining in Goa.”