In a recent viral video, Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khuranna is seen holding hands with wife Tahira Kashyap, and both of them sing one of the actor’s melodious number Pani Da Rang. A glimpse of the same was shared by Tahira Kashyap on her Instagram stories. In another video reshared by the actor, he is seen singing the song Mera Mann Kehne Laga.

Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor is ready for his upcoming release Dream Girl 2 on August 25. The film is a sequel to a 2019 hit film Dream Girl.

In a recent interview with the news agency, the actor spoke about how he prepared to transform into the character of Pooja. Ayushmann said, “My Radio jockey and theater stint really helped me greatly, especially in this film. I used to make prank calls as a woman when I was working at the radio station. Moreover, I used to call my first girlfriend and would pretend to be her female friend if her dad picked up the landline.”