BJP national general secretary Anil Jain spoke to The Daily Guardian about the Covid-19 outbreak, the pro-active role played by the Narendra Modi government and how the party is providing food to five crore people.

Q. When the world is fighting Covid-19, how is the BJP working to deal with the pandemic?

A. The whole of India has supported Prime Minister Narendra Modi in this fight against coronavirus. Right from the first day on the call given by our president J.P. Nadda, all our office-bearers and workers are working overtime to provide relief. Through community kitchens, we have provided food to five crore people. apart from that, we have given ration to about one crore people. several organisations have gotten in touch with us and have done relief work.

Q. You are a doctor. How much is this benefiting the party and workers?

A. I am keeping a vigil on the work being done through video-conference. We are formulating strategies and getting it enforced. I have told everyone to use cotton-made face masks which can be washed and reused. My party is running a campaign across the nation to make face masks. My wife is also making face covers. BJP workers are also in touch with several NGOs to make face masks. The other big thing is the Aarogya Setu app which has become the most downloaded app in the world and our target is to reach 30 crore people. This will improve our health system. We have also run a campaign to thank the corona warriors. Ministers and leaders have called safai karamchari, doctors and policemen, and have thanked them. PM Modi had said that nobody should be left behind, and there should be no shortage of medicines. This is something on which we are working.

Q. There was a campaign that no documents would be shown. Do you think that in today’s circumstances documents are necessary?

A- Definitely, having documents help but there are several people who don’t have documents. However, relief has been provided to everyone with great sensitivity. If you have documents it helps both the government and people.

Q. You can see police everywhere, from security to ration distribution, but the local administration seems to be not that active.

A. A local committee has been formed based on a polling station. Distribution of ration is working fine. In fact, people are being given extra ration. This is something which is happening in 90% of the country.

Q. Do you think that if Tablighi Jamaat had followed rules, then the situation in the country would be under control?

A. I agree that the situation worsened because of Jamaat. Due to their foolishness and rigidity they have harmed the nation. They had a big role to play in the spread of coronavirus.

Q. We are hearing one audio clip of Tablighi Jamaat chief Maulana Saad after another, but he is yet to be arrested. Do you think it’s a failure on the part of the government?

A. The agency which is looking in this matter is working very efficiently.

Q. Sonia and Rahul Gandhi are continuously hitting out at the government. They are saying that there is lack of testing kits in the country.

A. Sonia and Rahul have tried to make a joke of this lockdown and in the process, they have lost whatever little credibility they had. The government didn’t get coronavirus in the country. It’s a tough situation but we are positive that we will overcome this. The whole world is saying that Indian economy will do well. The Congress and its top leadership are behaving in an irresponsible fashion. How many people have they helped? They just want to score political brownie points by asking such questions. Their silence over Palghar is sickening. They are rattled and it is being reflected in their behaviour. Prime Minister Modi has helped the whole world and everyone is praising him and his leadership skill.