The Assistant Registrar, the mastermind behind the Rs 100 crore scam in Haryana’s Cooperative Department, has been found to possess assets worth about Rs 700 crore, according to the investigation by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB). It has been revealed that Anu, the assistant registrar, acquired benami properties in Karnal, Kaithal, Ambala, and Gurugram using the illicit funds. Additionally, she purchased luxurious flats in upscale neighborhoods of Delhi.
The ACB is currently engaged in investigating these properties. Upon scrutinizing Anu’s property documents, the ACB has seized her 10 acres of land and flat in Sirsa, as well as a 250-yard house in Kurukshetra, valued at Rs 5 crore.
Following the exposure of this scam, the Chief Minister of Haryana took swift action. On Tuesday, he summoned Minister Banwari Lal to Chandigarh for an hour-long interrogation.
Anu leveraged her influential connections to her advantage, facilitating the recruitment of 100 employees in the cooperative department. ACB sources indicate that each employee paid Rs 1 to 1.5 lakh for their appointments.
The ACB intends to interrogate these employees to ascertain the involvement of leaders who facilitated Anu’s appointments in the department. However, it has been revealed that these recruitments were facilitated through the Haryana Skill Employment Corporation.
Furthermore, the ACB investigation has uncovered Anu’s illegal sale of 45 acres of land belonging to the Nigdu Society in Ambala. While this investigation is ongoing, no prior action had been taken before the ACB began its inquiry.
Additionally, the investigation revealed that Anu transferred bribe money to her sister in Canada via hawala transactions, facilitated by the second accused in the scam, Stalin Jeet Singh, whose company has a branch in Canada.
According to ACB sources, Anu intended to settle in Dubai with the proceeds of the scam to evade Indian law enforcement. Her sister was arranging for her stay in Dubai. However, before executing her plans, the scam was exposed, leading to Anu’s arrest.
Anu Kausish is known for her penchant for expensive jewelry and lavish parties. Viral images depict her adorned in extravagant jewelry, attending parties in Delhi and Gurugram, where she freely spent the bribes received from the scam. Businessman Stalinjit Singh, who resides near Jagadhri with Anu Kausish, also holds Canadian permanent residency acquired through his influence.
Having been married twice, he filed a case in the Rewari court to avoid arrest and obtained bail. He is now seeking to travel to Canada with a Rs 1 crore bond from the High Court.
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