North Western Railways has released the schedule of special stoppages for Jaipur trains. To reduce the passenger rush at Jaipur Junction and for the convenience of the people, it has been decided to stop three trains at satellite stations Jagatpura and Dhankya station.
People from Jagatpura, Pratapnagar, Sirsi Road, Kalwad Road, and Bindayika area will benefit from this decision. Now, the people of Jaipur will not have to go to Jaipur Junction to travel on these trains.
North Western Railway has changed the schedule of train number 19666/19665 Udaipur-Khajuraho-Udaipur train. This train will have a daily stoppage at Jagatpura station from tomorrow onwards. At present, this train stops only at Gandhi Nagar and Jaipur Junction in Jaipur. A large number of passengers board this train from Bharatpur, Nadbai, Khedli, Bandikui, Dausa.
As per the order issued, train number 19735, the Jaipur-Marwar passenger train will stop at Dhaankya station every day from now on. At present, this train stops directly at Phulera station after leaving Jaipur Junction.
Changes have also been made in Jodhpur-Varanasi City-Jodhpur Marudhar Express train number 14854/14853. The operation of this train was non-stop between Phulera and Jaipur, however, now this train will also start stopping at Dhankya station. As per the order, this train will stop for 2 minutes at Dhankya station after leaving Jaipur Junction.
The stoppage of the following trains has been changed:-
- Udaipur-Khajuraho-Udaipur Train
- Jodhpur-Varanasi City-Jodhpur Marudhar Express
- Jaipur-Marwar Passenger Train