The Congress party has officially revealed the logo and slogan for the upcoming ‘Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra,’ a significant political journey set to be spearheaded by party leader Rahul Gandhi. The unveiling ceremony took place at the All India Congress Committee headquarters in Delhi, with the presence of Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, Jairam Ramesh (General Secretary in-charge of Communications), and KC Venugopal (General Secretary).

The Yatra’s slogan, “Nyay ka haq milne tak” (Until the right to justice is achieved), encapsulates the mission’s commitment to delivering economic, social, and political justice to the people of the country. Scheduled to commence on January 14, the ‘Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra’ under Rahul Gandhi’s leadership aims to cover a substantial distance of 6,713 kilometers. The route will traverse through 100 Lok Sabha constituencies, 337 assembly segments, and encompass 110 districts.

Mallikarjun Kharge emphasized the significance of the Yatra, describing it as a robust initiative toward justice for the people. He underscored the party’s commitment to addressing economic, social, and political issues plaguing the nation. Kharge took the opportunity to criticize Prime Minister Narendra Modi, highlighting his absence in Manipur amid ethnic violence and accusing the government of stifling parliamentary discourse.

“We are going among the people to tell them that there is no other way. We tried to speak in the Parliament and raise the issues. But the Government gave us no opportunity. 146 MPs were suspended for the first time in the history of this country,” said Kharge. He added that the Yatra represents a grassroots effort to connect with the people, emphasizing the challenges faced in parliamentary discussions.

Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra’ is scheduled to conclude in Mumbai on March 20 or 21, marking a substantial journey through diverse constituencies and districts. As the Congress party unveils its emblem and rallying cry, anticipation builds for the impact of this political odyssey on the socio-political landscape of the country.