The Congress is rushing Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel who is also an observer for Himachal elections along with other senior leaders like Bhupinder Hooda and the party’s Congress in-charge Rajiv Shukla to the hill state, where the party seems likely to win.

Baghel addressing reporters here today said there were apprehensions of poaching of Congress MLAs. “We are taking our leaders to Chandigarh and closing our doors and windows as the BJP will try to poach, as they have done many times in the past,” said Tajinder Singh Bittu, Congress in-charge for Himachal. “

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) used to say that the Congress rule is ending and the AAP is forming a government but that has now ended,” Baghel said. The chief minister further said that “Gradually we are coming to know that the AAP is the B team of Bharatiya Janata Party.”