Chandigarh Congress has announced its candidates for the upcoming mayoral elections scheduled for January 18. The party, under the leadership of Chandigarh Pradesh Congress President HS Lucky, has selected Jasbir Bunty as the mayoral candidate. Gurpreet Gabi has been chosen for the position of Senior Deputy Mayor, while Nirmala Devi is the selected candidate for the Deputy Mayor position.
The official filing of nominations for all three candidates is set to take place on Saturday at noon. This decision reflects the party’s strategic move to contest key positions in the upcoming mayoral elections. The candidates, Jasbir Bunty, Gurpreet Gabi, and Nirmala Devi, will represent the Congress party in their respective roles as they vie for crucial positions in the local governance structure. The nominations signify the party’s active participation and commitment to the democratic process in Chandigarh.
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