Early on Thursday morning, the Congress unveiled its sixth and final list of five candidates for the upcoming assembly elections in Karnataka. In the final list, Mohammed Shalem was fielded from Raichur, BV Rajeev Gowda from Sidlaghatta, S Anand Kumar from C V Raman Nagar (SC), HP Sridhar Gowda from Arkalgud, and Inayath Ali from Mangalore City North.
The party had on Wednesday replaced Mohammed Yousuf Savanur as its candidate from the Shiggaon constituency in Karnataka, currently under Chief Minister Basavraj Bommai, and fielded Yasir Ahmed Khan Pathan instead from there.
Bommai had defeated Congress candidates Sayed Azeempeer Khadri Shiggaon in the 2018 elections.
The party released its fifth list on Wednesday of three new candidates, fielding B C Muddugangadhar from the Mulbagal (SC) seat, D K Mohan from K R Pura, and A C Srinivasa from the Pulakeshinagar — SC seat.
With the sixth list, the Congress has announced 223 candidates, marking one seat in the 224-member assembly for Sarvodaya Karnataka Party, a regional outfit.
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