The All India Unorganised Workers and Employees Congress (KKC) held a state-level meeting in Shimla in preparation for the upcoming Shimla Municipal Corporation elections. The event featured key party figures, including Chairman of the All India Confederation Of SC/ST Organizations and State Party Chief Pratibha Virbhadra Singh. Participants emphasised the party’s pro-labor policies and criticised the Modi government’s handling of worker issues.
Former MP and KKC President Udit Raj praised the Congress party’s history of implementing labour-friendly laws, citing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) as a key example. He claimed that the Modi government had slashed MGNREGA funding and allowed the program to become corrupt, disadvantaged workers. Raj also accused the BJP government of prioritising industrialist Adani’s interests over those of labourers, noting the significant number of unorganised sector workers in India. He alleged a conspiracy to imprison Rahul Gandhi for speaking out against Adani.
At the meeting, Congress State Chief Pratibha Virbhadra Singh emphasised the importance of discussing policies to benefit workers and organising them to protect their rights. The event concluded with a focus on securing a majority of Congress candidates in the upcoming Shimla Municipal Corporation elections.
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