On Tuesday, Rahul Gandhi, a Congress MP, and Varun Gandhi, a BJP MP, his cousin, had a quick meeting at the Kedarnath Dham. They both stayed at the Badrinath-Kedarnath Temple Committee’s guest house while they were in Kedarnath. The Chairman of the Shri Badrinath-Kedarnath Temple Committee, Ajendra Ajay, told ANI that “BJP MP Varun Gandhi and film actress Raveena Tandon were at the Temple Committee’s guest house after their temple visit.” in response to a question regarding this meeting. Additionally, he stated that “Ajay, in his capacity as President of the Temple Committee, presented Congress MP Rahul Gandhi with Prasad during his visit to the guest house.” He continued, saying that after this, Rahul and Varun Gandhi had a brief meeting before going to the helipad.
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The olympic medalist shared the news with his fans on Instagram on Sunday.