Congress MLA Girraj Singh Malinga from Bari, who assaulted Assistant Engineer (AEN) Harshadapati of the Electricity Department in Dholpur, has now joined the BJP. When the case of assault came to light, the BJP had strongly criticised the Congress government and Maligna. On Sunday, Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, addressing the media centre of the BJP, in Jaipur, in a changed tone, included Malinga in the BJP. In this case, the question arises that the BJP, which was previously accusing the leaders, is now including them in the party to gain power.
Congress was not giving a ticket to Malinga for assaulting an assistant engineer. On the other hand, the BJP was not finding any strong ‘basis’ to win in the Dholpur district. In such a situation, the BJP got the opportunity to include Malinga in the party. The BJP is making continuous efforts to expand its circle to come to power. In this series, the BJP has included leaders of other parties, including Congress, in its party on Sunday. Meanwhile, the assault victim has not yet fully recovered and is being treated in the hospital.
Several Congress officials joined the BJP at the BJP Media Center including Mushatak Ahmed Khan, District Vice President of the Congress Committee in Dholpur, Ravi Pachauri of the Child Welfare Committee, Deep Singh Kushwah, Secretary of the District Congress Committee in Dholpur, Secretary of Youth Congress Dholpur Mangilal Sharma, and District General Secretary Ramvaran Sharma. In the same series, Anurag Singh Barad, the state president of the Youth Wing of the Aam Aadmi Party, also joined the BJP. During this occasion, Central Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and State Campaign Committee Coordinator Narayan Panchaariya welcomed everyone to the party by putting on a scarf and offering sweets.
Giriraj Singh Malinga said that he was harassed in the Congress party. He said, “A false case was registered against me due to the politics of Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot. An FIR was registered by making me an accused in the case of AEN and JEN assault. Politics was also involved in this. The case was registered at 1:20 in the day and an FIR was lodged within 12 hours based on the statement. When a demand was made to change the investigation in this case, the Chief Minister did not listen to me despite being a Congress MLA. In this case, seeing Modi’s policy along with the BJP’s ideology and having the desire to work with the BJP, I have joined the BJP.”