A day after the heated exchange between Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and Leader of Opposition Partap Singh Bajwa in the Assembly, Congress leaders took to the streets to stage a protest. The unruly scenes unfolded on Monday during the second day of the Budget session, sparking criticism and accusations against CM Mann.

Leader of Opposition Bajwa, along with other Congress MLAs, organized a dharna at the entrance of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, expressing disapproval of CM Mann›s remarks directed at Dalit party MLA Sukhwinder Kotli. The Congress leaders raised slogans, alleging that the Chief Minister was aligning with the BJP-led NDA government, supposedly working against the interests of Punjab.

The altercation occurred during the debate on the Governor›s Address, a departure from the usual norm of beginning the day with Question Hour. Tensions escalated as CM Mann engaged in a heated argument with Bajwa and other Congress MLAs.

In a symbolic gesture, CM Mann presented a padlock to Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan, suggesting the House be locked from the inside to prevent the Opposition from avoiding the debate on the Governor›s Address.

The Congress, led by CLP Leader Partap Bajwa, accused CM Mann of diverting attention from substantive issues through theatrical acts. They alleged that the Chief Minister›s actions were unconstitutional and mocked the decorum of the House.

The protest outside the Vidhan Sabha reflects the growing discontent among Congress leaders over the recent events in the Assembly, raising concerns about the conduct and decorum expected during legislative proceedings.