A Congress leader identified as Sanju Tripathi, was shot dead in Chhatisgarh’s Bilaspur district in broad daylight, police said on Thursday. The incident occurred around 4:30 pm on Wednesday near Sakri overbridge in the district when Tripathi, who was former District General Secretary of the party was travelling in his car was waylaid and shot, police said adding that the man died on the spot.

Bilaspur Superintendent of Police (SP) Parul Mathur said, “According to eyewitnesses, Tripathi was going in his car near the bypass when two-three people arrived and opened fire. Tripathi sustained bullet injuries in his head and he died on the spot.”

“The police started an inquiry. Further information is being gathered from the deceased’s wife and his family members about whether he had received any threat or warning. The case is also being investigated from the angle of property dispute which came to the fore in the past,” SP Mathur added.