Rajasthan Congress leader Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, in light of the ongoing dispute with Canada, has raised questions about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s politics. Randhawa said that Atal Bihari Vajpayee was also a Prime Minister, but he used to talk about India.
He said, “The Prime Minister represents the entire country. Modi should speak for the nation, but he comes to Rajasthan and talks about atrocities against women. He doesn’t seem to notice Madhya Pradesh.”
The Congress leader said that during the time of terrorism in Punjab, Modi turned an issue that was not international into an international issue. He said that PM Modi should talk about uniting the country, not dividing Hindus and Sikhs.
Randhawa said, “Even today when there is a casualty while fighting with Pakistan, the first body that comes is that of a Punjabi. Why doesn’t Modi say that Punjabis are patriots? First, he defamed Muslims, now he is defaming Sikhs. Where should the country’s minorities go? Hindustan is a secular nation. Even the minorities have shed their blood for this country.”