The Congress high command has imposed restrictions on leaders for the upcoming Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Haryana, bringing changes to pre-election committees. Directives have been issued to include All India Congress Committee (AICC) secretaries in these committees, allowing the central leadership, led by General Secretary KC Venugopal, to closely monitor decisions related to the state elections. The move is attributed to internal factionalism, particularly between former CM Hooda and the SRK Group (Kumari Selja, Randeep Surjewala, Kiran Chaudhary).
Currently, Hooda faction is considered effective in Haryana Congress. Former CM Bhupendra Hooda, through his influence, got party president Chaudhary Udaybhan installed in Haryana. Apart from this, Hooda has also had influence in the committees formed by the high command regarding the Lok Sabha elections.
Randeep Surjewala, Kumari Selja, Kiran Chaudhary (SRK) group is running separately in the party. The leaders of this group are carrying out their Sandesh Yatra apart from the party line. However, party in-charge Deepak Babaria has issued a letter regarding this yatra calling it illegal. Even after this, the leaders of SRK group are taking out their yatra to all the 10 Lok Sabha seats of the state.
The party high command feels that there is a possibility of victory in Haryana. The reason for this is that BJP has been in power here for 10 years. For this reason there is an atmosphere against the government. In such a situation, the high command wants that there should be no factionalism of any kind among the leaders and everyone should work unitedly in the interest of the party. With this decision, the party high command will keep a close watch on the leaders. Information about every decision will easily reach Delhi through AICC secretaries. Factionalism is still dominant in Haryana Congress. The high command is also aware of this. The leaders of both the groups keep making indirect statements against each other without taking names.
The high command will be able to keep a direct eye on this rhetoric. Besides, he will also be able to take strict decisions against the leaders. The high command will be able to directly interfere in any decision through secretaries. Due to this, the high command feels that the party leaders will not be able to make any kind of anti-party statement on the public platform
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