Senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP Abhishek Singhvi, while addressing a press conference, asked Piyush Goel to resign over his failure as Rail Minister and for allegedly making false claim with regards to Shramik Special trains.

Singhvi, while attacking Goel, said that in the Supreme Court, the Solicitor General had submitted that Shramik trains are running and the cost would be borne by receiving or sending states. On the contrary, the Home Minister and Railway officials have said that all the journeys are 85% subsidised, there was no mention of the Centre in the cost list.

Singhvi added that the court has directed the Railways that food and water should be free, but Rs 20 is charged for the same and an additional of Rs 30 was levied as superfast charges on “Shramiks”. Comparing statements by the Solicitor General in the court with those made by the Home Minister and Railway officials, he said that the Centre has been unfair with migrants.

Asking the Rail Minister to resign, Singhvi came out with the death and delay data surrounding the Railways. He said that of the 3,740 Shramik trains running during that period, 40% were eight hours late, 10% were 24 hours late and 38 trains were over 35 hours late. Till now 81 casualties have occurred, though he didn’t rely on the official figures, he said.