Former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Bhupinder Singh Hooda has said the Congress banished criminals from the state, while the BJP-JJP alliance has once again established Haryana as the crime capital. He said a complete breakdown in the law and order has hit investments and new employment opportunities in the state.
Reacting to the incident of indiscriminate firing at Maturam Jalebi shop in Gohana and demanding ransom of Rs 2 crore, Hooda said the people of the state are now living under the shadow of fear and criminals are committing crimes without any fear of the law. He said the people of Gohana, who took to the streets to protest against this incident, have shown a mirror to the coalition government. “There is no such thing as government and law and order in the state. The people in power are only engaged in looting the public by carrying out scams. They are not concerned with the safety of citizens. The Social Progress Index of the Central Government itself shows that Haryana has become the most unsafe state in the country under the BJP-JJP rule,” he said.
The former Chief Minister cited the NCRB report which shows that incidents like ransom, theft, robbery, murder have become a part of Haryana’s daily routine. “Incidents like 3 murders and 5 rapes take place every day in the state. In terms of incidents in broad daylight, Haryana has left UP-Bihar behind. After Maharashtra, Haryana comes second in such incidents,” he said.
“Within just one year, 16,743 cases of crimes against women have been reported, which is 46 cases every day. In one year, 1,787 cases of rape were reported, 5 cases where the dignity of a daughter of Haryana is robbed,” he added.
Hooda said that before 2014, Haryana among the safest states of the country. “During the Congress tenure, all the gangsters were eliminated from the state. Strict legal action was taken against the criminals. All the criminals had left Haryana,” he said.
“Due to safe environment, investment environment is considered in the state and maximum investment in the country came to Haryana. This created new employment opportunities, and the youth of the state got lakhs of jobs in various sectors,” he added.
“Today the situation is opposite. Due to the complete breakdown of law and order, investors have turned away from the state. This is one of the reasons why new jobs are not being created, and the youth of the state are facing the brunt of unemployment and Haryana has become number one in unemployment,” he pointed out.
“The BJP-JJP government has trapped Haryana in a terrible vicious cycle of unemployment. Youth frustrated with unemployment are getting trapped in the clutches of drugs and crime. When the Congress government is formed, this vicious cycle will be broken and Haryana will be freed from crime, drugs and unemployment,” he added.