In a fiery rally in Satna, Madhya Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing critique of the Congress, accusing the party of bringing destruction when in power. Modi emphasized that Congress lacks a development roadmap for Madhya Pradesh, asserting that the state’s youth sees no future in Congress. Urging people to vote for the BJP, he declared faith in his guarantees and warned that a Congress victory would end free ration and health treatment. Modi accused Congress of creating hurdles for the BJP government in Madhya Pradesh, pushing the state into darkness.
He pledged “sabka vikas” (development for everyone) and highlighted the construction of four crore houses in the past decade. The Prime Minister equated the devotion in building the Ram temple with constructing houses, ensuring those without homes would receive one. Madhya Pradesh heads to polls on November 17, with Modi rallying support against the Congress.
Urging people in the state to vote for BJP, he said, “Your one vote has done wonders that the country’s enemies have lost their courage. Your MP’s one vote will strengthen Modi in Delhi. Your one vote will oust corrupt Congress from MP.” He further said that if the Congress is voted to power “free ration and free health treatment will stop.”
“Where did all this money go in the Congress government? It went in the 2G scam, it went in the coal scam, it went in the Commonwealth scam but I stopped all these scams. In 10 years, the BJP has sent Rs 10 lakh crore to the accounts of the poor. It is unfortunate for Congress that you have given power to a watchman. We started the scheme of giving free ration during the Corona period. This scheme will be completed in December. People have suggested that it should be extended, so I decided that I will run this scheme for another five years. This will end the ration worries of 4 lakh families of Satna district,” PM Modi questioned.
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