Amid the ongoing monsoon session of Haryana Vidhan Sabha, heated arguments between the legislators belonging to the ruling faction and the opposition took place. The main opposition party Congress walked out of the session over the issue of three contentious farm laws after the speaker Gian Chand Gupta outrightly refused to discuss the issue saying that the matter is pending the Supreme Court. In reaction to this, the Congress legislators started sloganeering in front of the veil of the speaker in the Vidhan Sabha and walked out. Prior to this, both factions were at loggerheads over a string of issues which led to verbal spat between them. A string of issues particularly agri-laws, farmers’ agitation and shortage of oxygen remained in discussion continuously. The leader of the opposition and the Congress stalwart Bhupender Singh Hooda took on the government stating that the ruling faction presented false statistics pertaining to the death due to shortage of oxygen. It is pertinent to mention that the government had presented the data regarding the same and claimed that not a single person died due to the shortage of oxygen and the same led to the heated argument between both sides again on Monday.
Reacting to the allegations of Hooda, the Chief Minister Manohar Lal said that the data which was placed during the session is quite trustworthy. If the opposition is not satisfied with the same then he would constitute a committee to investigate the matter. Besides, the CM said that he will deliver the official statement over the issue here on Tuesday. So in the wake of this, everyone is eyeing his upcoming statement over the issue.
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Singapore's High Commissioner to India, Simon Wong, highlighted the grandeur of the event.