The Indian National Congress on Friday announced a massive public demonstrations across the country in response to the Income Tax Department’s actions. The controversy centres around the department’s notices demanding a staggering Rs 1823.08 crore from the INC, further escalating tensions on the eve of the crucial 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

Party general secretary K.C. Venugopal informed PCC chiefs in a letter that these demonstrations, scheduled are set to involve senior party leaders and functionaries, with protest activities planned in every constituency led by party candidates. Additionally, the District Congress Committees have been instructed to conduct protest demonstrations, including ‘Mashal Juloos,’ in all districts.

Venugopal called it a systematic attempt to undermine democracy by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Amidst preparations for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections, the INC has accused the Income Tax Department of engaging in a targeted campaign against the opposition party.

The controversy began last month when the bank accounts of the INC were allegedly frozen by the Income Tax Department, depriving the principal national opposition party of access to its funds.

According to the INC, the department has issued fresh notices demanding a staggering sum of Rs 1823.08 crores, with Rs 135 crores already seized from their accounts.