In a landmark decision, the Punjab and Haryana High Court has asked Chandigarh Administration to conduct Municipal Corporation’s mayoral elections scheduled for January 30 at 10 am. The court has directed the Chandigarh Administration to enforce strict measures, including prohibiting councillors from bringing supporters or security personnel on the election day.
The High Court’s directives emphasize the provision of complete security to councillors while explicitly stating the exclusion of any personal security during the mayoral elections. Chandigarh Police has been entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing overall security arrangements throughout the electoral process.
Furthermore, the court orders explicitly prohibit any political activities near the visitor’s gallery, aiming to maintain a neutral environment. To ensure accountability and adherence to legal standards, the entire election process will be videographed. The Chandigarh Administration has been instructed to diligently follow these directives, underscoring the commitment to upholding the integrity and fairness of the Chandigarh mayoral elections.