To contain the pollution during the festival season, Delhi environment minister Gopal Rai on Wednesday announced that the ban on production, sale, and use of all types of firecrackers will be extended to 1 January, 2023. Rai said that the ban has also been extended to their online sales or purchases.

Rai tweeted, “Production, storage, sale and use of all types of firecrackers are being completely banned so that people’s lives can be saved.” He said, “Online sale/delivery of firecrackers will also be banned in Delhi this time. The restriction will remain in force till 1 January, 2023. “

The minister also said that an action plan will be drawn up with the Delhi Pollution Control Committee, Delhi Police, and Revenue Department to ensure strict enforcement of the ban.

Last year, in wake of coronavirus disease pandemic and Delhi’s deteriorating air quality, the Delhi government had ordered a complete ban on sale and bursting firecrackers, including “green crackers”, in the national capital from 28 September to 1 January, 2022.

In order to create awareness against the bursting of firecrackers, the AAP has also launched the ‘patakhe nahi diye jalao’ campaign.