Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Friday directed the police to take strict action against the miscreants responsible for hoisting ‘Khalistan’ flag in the Moga administrative complex. Captain Amarinder Singh on Friday appealed to youngsters not to get swayed by the vicious propaganda of anti-India elements like terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannu and his Sikhs for Justice (SFJ).

“You try to come to Punjab and I will teach you a lesson,” the CM dared Pannu, adding that any attempt to disturb the state’s peace would be dealt with an iron hand.

Capt Amarinder said that he had directed DGP Dinkar Gupta to ensure that the two miscreants identified in the Moga incident are arrested at the earliest so that deterrent action can be taken against them, as per the law. The Punjab Police has announced a reward of Rs 50,000 for the duo, whose CCTV grabs have been released.

 Meanwhile, during his weekly #AskCaptain session, the CM urged all youngsters to not pay any heed to Pannu. “Some get emotionally swayed by such vicious propaganda,” he cautioned.

 Reacting to Pannu’s call for raising black flags to mark India’s Independence Day, Capt Amarinder said that the Punjabis in India were prosperous people and not interested in indulging in such acts at the behest of someone sitting in Canada or America.

“Why should they (the people of Punjab) do it, if you have the guts you come and do it,” he dared Pannu, adding that if the SFJ leader wanted he could make his Khalistan at the place where he was hiding out. “Pannu does not even look like a Punjabi and does all this only for extracting money,” he warned youth.