In Bikaner, a horrific collision took place between a truck and a pickup on the Bikaner-Jaipur National Highway. Four people lost their lives in the accident, while a young man sustained serious injuries. Upon receiving information about the incident, the Shridungargarh police reached the scene and admitted the injured youth to the PBM Hospital. The bodies of the deceased have been placed in the mortuary of the Shridungargarh government hospital. On Monday morning, post-mortems were conducted on all the deceased, and their bodies were handed over to the families.
The Shridungargarh police revealed that on Sunday night around 8 pm, they received information that a collision had occurred between a truck and a pickup in the Shridungargarh area on the Bikaner-Jaipur National Highway. Upon receiving the information, the police rushed to the scene and transported all the injured pickup occupants to the Shridungargarh government hospital. Doctors declared three people dead, while a young man, seriously injured during treatment, succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.
The police stated that the residents of Kalubas in Shridungargarh, Ramchandra Mot (45), son of Lakshminarayan, Ramesh Mali (35), son of Raju Mali, Bhawarlal Purohit (60), Pawan Tiwari, and Hariram, son of Ganesharam Jat, residents of Jaisalasar, Sikar, had visited acquaintances’ homes. They were returning home in a pickup truck at night. About 10 kilometres before reaching home, near Satlera village on the National Highway, a truck coming from the opposite direction collided with the pickup. In the incident, Ramchandra Mot, Ramesh Mali, and Bhawarlal Purohit lost their lives on the spot. Hariram, who was seriously injured, lost his life on the way to the hospital. Pawan Tiwari, seriously injured, is undergoing treatment at the PBM Hospital. It is worth noting that this is the second major incident in Shridungargarh.