In the capital city of Jaipur, a case of rape involving a college student from Kota has come to light. The accused youth, under the pretext of meeting, committed the sexual assault at the student’s flat. During this, the accused youth took explicit photos of the victim on his mobile. When the victim resisted, the accused threatened to make explicit photos viral and continued to sexually assault her. During this, the accused youth uploaded her photos on social media. Disturbed, the victim filed a report against the accused youth at the Bhanakrota police station. The police have registered the case and initiated an investigation.
The police stated that a 22-year-old woman from Kota had filed a report. The woman, who was studying in college, had taken a flat on rent in Jaisinghpura, Jaipur. During her studies in 2020, she met Ravi Prakash. They became friends during the conversation. The woman alleges that in June 2023, the accused Ravi Prakash came to her flat under the pretext of a meeting. Finding the woman alone in the flat, the accused Ravi Prakash, through threats and intimidation, sexually assaulted her.
Frustrated with the blackmail, the victim filed a report against the accused at the Bhanakrota police station. The police have registered the case and initiated an investigation.
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