Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, performed the “Shri Ram Charan Paduka Pujan” on Thursday in Lucknow and flagged off the chariot for the “Shri Ram Karmbhoomi Yatra,” which would go to Janakpur Dham through Buxar.
Other dignitaries in attendance included seers, state Transport Minister Dayashankar Singh, and Union Minister Ashwini Choubey. The chief minister began the programme with a traditional “pujan” (worship) of Shri Ram Charan Paduka while mantras were chanted.
He also presented Shri Ram Charan Paduka with flowers and a “aachman” (offering) made with Ganges water. The CM signalled the Shri Ram Charan Paduka chariot’s departure following the pujan.
The holy people also gave the chief a book about Lord Shri Ram and “Ganga Jal” (Ganga water).
Along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the chief minister had earlier presided over the glittering “Deepotsav” celebrations in Ayodhya. As a record 15.76 lakh “diyas” (earthen lamps) were lit on the banks of the Sarayu river during the celebrations that were launched by the Prime Minister, the holy city emanated a golden halo.
Numerous Twitter users wrote about the big events, making the hashtag #AyodhyaDeepotsav surge on the microblogging platform. 230 crore people were reportedly reached using the Twitter platform.
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