Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will once again share the gaiety of the festival of lights, Diwali, with Vantangiya people (forest dwellers) in Tinkonia village No. 3 in Gorakhpur on Sunday. The mood is upbeat in Tikonia No. 3 village situated in the Kushmi forest, where CM Yogi will celebrate this year’s Diwali with members of the Vantangia community on Sunday.
He will also present a Diwali gift of development projects worth Rs 153 crore to various gram panchayats of Gorakhpur district on the occasion, according to an official press statement. The Chief Minister will inaugurate development projects worth Rs 91 crores and lay the foundation for projects worth Rs 62 crores.
Yogi Adityanath has been celebrating Diwali with the forest dwellers since 2017 when he became the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for the first time. Even before becoming the CM Yogi celebrated Diwali with the Vantangia community members since 2009 as an MP.
“Owing to CM Yogi’s efforts, the Vantangiya village in Jungle Tikonia No. 3 that faced neglect for nearly a hundred years is now considered an extremely special village in the district,” the release said.
Additionally, Yogi will share Diwali joys with the Vantangiya villagers for the seventh consecutive year on Sunday. “As an MP, he fought for the rights of the Vantangiya community, securing their entitlements in the Lok Sabha in 2010. When he became Chief Minister in 2017, these villages were designated as revenue villages, giving them the rights to all government-provided facilities.”
The administration has made all preparations for the Chief Minister’s visit to the Vantangiya village on Sunday, and the villagers are looking forward to welcoming the CM.
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