The consecration ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya is scheduled for January 22, and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met with officials in Lucknow on Tuesday. Minister Surya Pratap Shahi, who is in charge of Ayodhya, was also present at the meeting. Preceding the consecration of the Ram Temple, Chief Minister Yogi presided over a review meeting involving state officials. In charge of building and overseeing the magnificent Ram Temple in Ayodhya is the trust known as Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra. There will be thousands of dignitaries and attendees from all walks of life, so preparations are well under way for this momentous occasion.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the consecration ceremony of the Ram Temple on January 22.
Vedic rituals for the Pran-Pratishtha (consecration) ceremony of Ram Lalla (infant Lord Ram) in Ayodhya will begin on January 16, a week before the main ceremony.
A priest from Varanasi, Lakshmi Kant Dixit, will perform the main rituals of the consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla on January 22. From January 14 to January 22, Ayodhya will mark the Amrit Mahautsav.
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