Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin recently addressed the growing speculation about an imminent Cabinet reshuffle within his government. Despite local media reports suggesting that the DMK-led administration might make changes by dropping some members and introducing new ones, Stalin firmly stated that he had not received any such information. When pressed about the potential reshuffle, he reiterated that he was unaware of any plans for it.

There have also been reports about the potential elevation of Stalin’s son, Udhayanidhi, currently the Youth Welfare and Sports Development Minister, to the position of Deputy Chief Minister. Stalin, however, has previously indicated that the time for such a promotion was not yet appropriate.

In another development, Stalin responded to Union Minister L. Murugan’s comments about the function to launch a commemorative coin marking the birth centenary of the late DMK patriarch M. Karunanidhi. Stalin clarified that while the Tamil Nadu government organized the event, it was under the control of the Central government. Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh attended the function and praised Karunanidhi in a manner that Stalin noted was even more effusive than the praise from DMK leaders themselves.

AIADMK General Secretary Edappadi K. Palaniswami used Rajnath Singh’s participation to allege that DMK might have a secret alliance with the BJP. He also questioned why Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was not invited to the event. Stalin dismissed these allegations, asserting that DMK was not involved in any secret alliance with the BJP.

On Wednesday, MK Stalin inaugurated 19 projects with a total investment of Rs 17,616 crore and laid the foundation for 28 additional projects worth Rs 51,157 crore. According to his office, these initiatives are set to create 1,06,803 new jobs, contributing to equitable development across Tamil Nadu.