Meanwhile, the blame game relating to the ED has not gone completely off the table. The Chief Minister also addressed reporters in Jodhpur and launched a veiled attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party, accusing it of “misusing” the Enforcement Directorate amid the Mahadev betting app row. Gehlot said, “These people who are misusing ED, their truth is being exposed.” He added, “We also want proceedings to happen against the big economic criminals. For them, only ED, CBI, and IT have been formed…You must have heard what the Chhattisgarh CM (Bhupesh Baghel) said. It is amatter of concern when a CM has to say that ED people are transporting money.”
His remarks came amid the allegations that Bhupesh Baghel received crores of rupees in the form of kickbacks from betting operators to fund a party campaign in Chhattisgarh, a charge denied by the CM and Congress. Gehlot added, “Mallikarjun Kharge is our national president and is an experienced leader… governments have been formed in Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka since he came.”