Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde visited Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai on Wednesday and met Nationalist Congress Party leader Dhananjay Munde who met with an accident on 4 January. Munde met with the accident on 4 January near Parli and was injured after which Munde was airlifted from Latur airport for the treatment of his injuries. In the previous Sena-NCP-Congress government, Munde was the minister for social justice.
ISRO successfully docked its SpaDeX satellites, making India the fourth country to achieve in-space docking.…
YouTube and Google have announced a $15 million contribution to aid wildfire relief efforts in…
In a hilarious viral video from Shanghai, a tiny AI robot named Erbai "kidnaps" 12…
Saif Ali Khan is hospitalized after being attacked at home during a burglary attempt; police…
Morocco's reported plan to cull stray dogs ahead of the FIFA 2030 World Cup has…
An engineer has created a ChatGPT-powered sentry rifle that uses voice commands to fire at…