Goa Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant on Sunday allocated portfolios to his cabinet colleagues while retaining crucial Home and Finance departments with himself. The notification, allotting portfolios to all the Ministers who were sworn in recently in presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was issued by an order in the name of the Governor of Goa by Under Secretary (GA) Shripad Arlekar. The Chief Minister will hold the charge of Home, Finance, Personnel, Vigilance, and Official languages departments in the state. Vishwajit Rane has been given crucial Health and Town and Country Planning Portfolios along with Urban Development, Women and Child, and Forest departments. Mauvin Godinho has been allotted Transport, Industries, Panchayat and Protocol portfolios. Ravi Naik has been given Agriculture, Handicrafts, and Civil Supplies portfolios. The crucial Public Works Department portfolio has been allotted to Nilesh Cabral along with Legislative Affairs, Environment and Law and Judiciary portfolios. Subhash Shirodkar has been allotted Water Resources Department, Co-operation and Provedoria portfolios while Rohan Khaunte is given Tourism, Information and Technology and Printing and Stationary departments. Govind Gaude will be Minister for Sports, Art and Culture and RDA and Atanasio Monserratte has got Revenue, Labour and Waste Management.
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